Grain FAQ

For example, if the best yield is calculated to be 20 degrees, automatic nesting will nest the parts at 20 and 200 degrees. The user sets the grain type in the drawing database field shown on the screen to the right. Pressing the space bar in the field toggles the input field showing: NO, YES, HARD, SOFT. The automatic nesting software uses the database field to control the part rotation on ALL nested plates within the same nest. How do I know the parts have grain restraint? Parts with grain are saved to the master drawing database with the grain icon displayed below in the picture. It is the user’s responsibility to locate, rotate and size the grain icon at the time of converting the CAD file into a PEP drawing, and to select the type of grain in the grain field as discussed in the previous section. The CAD converter software calculates the angle of the icon and saves the starting angle to the drawing database as the part is converted. The Grain icon is saved as DISPLAY ONLY geometry in the drawing and will be discarded by the post processor at the time of posting. As such, the grain icon is displayed in previews, nests, labels and in plots.