Intelligent Automatic Nesting

DO AUTOMATIC NESTING PRODUCTS PRODUCE ACCEPTABLE RESULTS? YES…P.E.P. creates great AUTOMATIC results! Most automatic nesting product requires a skilled programmer with UNLIMITED TIME to re-nest the automatic results a 2 nd and 3 rd time, and then manually interact with the automatic results essentially editing 90% of the nests your shop cuts. HOWMUCH IS IT COSTING YOUR COMPANY TO RE-NEST AND EDIT THE AUTOMATIC RESULTS An automatic nesting product like P.E.P. that can nest automatically as effectively as a skilled programmer given UNLIMITED TIME to edit a nest will typically save $120,000.00 per laser per year in material and machine productivity. The savings increase when the skilled programmer accepts the automatic results and does not renest the parts. That’s the documented number P.E.P. customers have reported back after switching to P.E.P. and analyzing the savings. WHERE DO THE SAVING COME FROM The bar graph below breaks down the ROI comparing the skilled programmer to PEP’s automation. This document discusses Material Yield and Machine Productivity comparison in the grid. The P.E.P. speed and automation typically allows 1 programmer to do the work of 5 SKILLED PROGRAMMERS.